Our “Average” Marijuana Canisters

This category of canisters - an “average” canister - date primarily from the 1980s and early 1990s. Notable aspects include:

1) more discoloration than later canisters,

2) in some cases the prescription label has been placed on top of the assay label,

3) in some cases the prescription label has some markings on it or some discoloration.


An Average Canister

To the left is an “Average” canister. You will see small rust spots on the assay label and some scarring on the prescription label which you can see more clearly in the close-up below. It dates back to 1984, a time when Robert was actively lobbying Congress to pass HR 4498, the first medical marijuana legislation introduced in Congress in 1982. At one point the bill had bi-partisan support and 110 co-sponsors! But Congressional leaders would not bring the bill to hearings.



Another Average Canister

Here you can see that the prescription label has been placed directly on top of the government’s assay label. It is unclear why the pharmacist would choose to do this and it is not consistent among the canisters. Another curiosity is the blue label advising Robert to keep the marijuana in the freezer (he never did). This sort of embellishment was erratic.